What Is Infantile Scoliosis? What Are The Treatment Options for Infantile Scoliosis?

Infantile scoliosis is a type of scoliosis that mostly affects infants and toddlers. The spine develops a characteristic abnormal curve before the age of three. Special care and prompt treatment are required to correct this issue and ensure normal spinal development. This article will discuss infantile scoliosis, including its etiology, symptoms, and current treatment options.

Understanding Infantile Scoliosis

Only one in every 10,000 infants will develop infantile scoliosis. Scoliosis can be classified as either congenital (present at birth) or idiopathic (develops for unknown reasons). Congenital scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that occurs during pregnancy and is visible at birth. Idiopathic scoliosis, on the other hand, develops in a child within the first three years of life and has no known cause.

Causes of Infantile Scoliosis

Infantile scoliosis has mysterious origins. Congenital scoliosis may have origins in genetics or the perinatal environment. It is believed that a combination of genetic, environmental, and neuromuscular factors contribute to the development of idiopathic scoliosis. More study is required to determine the actual root causes.

Diagnosis of Infantile Scoliosis

Early identification is essential for effective treatment of infantile scoliosis. Early diagnosis is critical, and pediatricians and orthopedic specialists play important roles in this process. During a thorough physical examination, be sure to take note of the child’s posture, spine alignment, and any asymmetry that may exist to make a diagnosis. X-rays and other imaging techniques can determine the degree and pattern of spinal curvature.

Treatment Options for Infantile Scoliosis

The primary goals of treating infantile scoliosis include halting the progression of the curvature and promoting normal spinal growth. The specific course of treatment for scoliosis depends on several factors, including the severity of the curve, the child’s age, and the etiology of the condition.

1. Monitoring and Observation

Sometimes immediate therapy is not necessary for infantile scoliosis. In its place, rigorous monitoring of the infant’s health is used to assess the curvature’s progression. Scoliosis progression is tracked with regular checkups and imaging.

2. Bracing

Bracing may be recommended if the curvature progresses beyond a certain point or if the child is at high risk for the development of severe scoliosis. Wearing an orthotic device, like a spinal brace, can assist stabilize the spine and prevent further curvature from occurring. The brace is worn for as long as the orthopedic surgeon advises.

3. Casting

In extreme cases of infantile scoliosis, casting techniques like Mehta casting or serial casting may be performed. Casts are used in these procedures to gradually realign the spine. Casting can be helpful for young children because their bones are still pliable at this age.

4. Surgery

Surgery may be necessary if non-surgical treatments fail or if a severe curvature worsens rapidly. During surgery, the spine is realigned and stabilized with the help of metal rods, hooks, screws, or cables. In most cases, surgical treatment is reserved for emergencies.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is crucial for the effective management of infantile scoliosis. Curvature progression can be halted and complications mitigated with early detection and treatment. Specialists in pediatric orthopedics should be visited frequently to monitor the child’s progress and ensure the treatment plan is working.


Infantile scoliosis is a disease that needs to be identified and treated as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and therapy are crucial for effective illness management, which is important even though the precise causes are unknown. Infants with infantile scoliosis can benefit from regular monitoring of development, bracing or casting techniques, and, in severe cases, surgical intervention to achieve optimal spinal growth and improve quality of life.

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